Northlake Urology specializes in delivery of the all around top care in our area. Our physicians and physician assistants have performed all of the rigorous academic and practical medical work and successfully completed the full complement of peer evaluation and testing to become specialty board certified. In fact, our physicians have been certified by two separate specialty boards .. the American Board of Urology and the National Board of Physicians and Surgeons, an additional 7-8 year process after finishing college and medical school.
Both of our urologists perform major cancer and reconstructive surgery and have done so for over twenty years. Dr. Watson's work exclusively involves office-based healthcare. Dr. Neitzschman works both within the hospital and office settings. Both of our urologists are now accepting new patients with appointments sometimes available on short notice.
Nathan Freeman is our certified physician assistant who sees office patients and performs men's and women's health and wellness evaluations. Nathan has more than 20 years experience in performing physician assistant duties in the primary care and cardiology settings. He is uniquely gifted and his unassuming personality is perfectly suited for evaluating and managing health minded adults interested in using diet, exercise, life-style changes and limited herbal supplements, hormones and medications with the goal of longevity and quality living.
Here, our well-informed patients make the choices. Some chose to see one doctor or another and others may chose to see our physician assistant. Either way is fine with us! Help is available. Give us a call.
Together, we are very pleased to offer a wide service array for adult Northshore area residents and others with urology and other health and wellness needs. If you need help book your evaluation online or call us today.

Men's Health
Our Men's Health Clinic is the First Choice in men's health. Our board certified health professionals have compiled more than 25 years of direct patient care experience with a focus on the unique medical issues of mature men. Our mission is to assure our patients a quality life, as well as longevity!

Wellness Healthcare
Our wellness physicians and physician assistants practice adult wellness, attentively caring for women and men affected by obesity, metabolic syndrome, diabetes, hypertension, lipid disorders (high cholesterol), sexual dysfunction and many other chronic adult medical illnesses in women and men.